Thursday, May 12, 2005

New Firefox update

Firefox has another update- fixing more security issues before they are actually a problem. It is too late for me to do tonight and I should be asleep but the uncomfortable reaction on my face is keeping me awake.

I really do like Firefox and it really is worth little bit of extra time it takes for the update/upgrade steps. They have supposedly fixed the update issues and it is supposed to install over the old version. I just haven't tested that method yet.

Someone in the forum suggested that the frequent upgrades are messing with the 'sales pitch' using security as the main reason to switch. I haven't seen Microsoft hurry to fix any security problems with IE that fast.

Firefox 1.04 Installation Guidelines and Links

Updated post 5/13/05 12:40AM: I upgraded to 1.04 during a break today with no problems. And a very helpful article explaining why Firefox is still safer than IE appeared in the Windows Secrets newsletter which can be found online here.

Using statistics compiled by Scanit NV, the newsletter noted that IE users were vulnerable to known exploits that were already "in the wild" for 200 days or 54% of 2004 and compares that to Firefox which has produced an update for every exploit found before any hacker code circulated and instead of taking months to produce a patch, was about a week between hole found and the fix.

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