Friday, January 16, 2004

More on Internship.

I forgot to post that I did get the official call of acceptance today (Thursday afternoon) about the internship. I start Tuesday by walking and observing in a group tour that my contact will lead and then as an observer in a few meetings and classrooms.

On Wednesday, I will be doing some of the actual work, which will be in a field I know something about- working one on one as an academic tutor and also part of the day with the students in their computer lab. I earned a Master level International Tutoring certificate at the community college and in addition from my CS/IS student contacts, fell into a job working to set up online instructional material, as well as showing folks how to use it. So both of those things are within my ability and experience. It is a good fit.. there were a few future plans discussed... all in all a very positive experience.

I have to learn how not to stay up so late though. I will need all of my faculties in full working order to be of any help to anyone.

On a different note, I only have one of my own classes to attend next week. The first two days are cancelled, so that is nice too. Only reading to catch up upon and even that isn't too heavy.

I may get a chance to work on one of the first assignments for the Foundations of Special Education class.. more about that later, because one of my choices is to simulate a physical disability and go out into the world to experience it as well as videotape it. We do have a camcorder so all I need is a blank tape and to enlist the help of the husband to accomplish the thing.. I am debating choosing visual impairment/blindness because it is a possibility (cataracts that can't yet be operated upon) in my future. I really want to catch the other people's reactions on tape instead of only my own (because that is as interesting to me as it is useful to understand a tiny fraction of what it might be like to function in the world without one of the things we take for granted). I don't know if i can borrow one of those canes and the wraparound glasses that hide the eyes under which i will put a blindfold.

Happy Friday everyone!

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