Thursday, April 01, 2004

New situations

I am headed out this morning as part of my internship to see what the Foundation does for/with supported employment. The group that I am meeting this morning will be going to a landscaping job and are learning all the aspects of work including how to handle transportation to a job site and the work involved. Lunch will be on site where I will have a chance to get to know the new people. And then in the afternoon I will have a chance to see what the paperwork and followup at the Foundation's end of things looks like.

Hopefully there will be a comfortable fit and this is where I will be for most of the next ten weeks. I may do at least one day at the Foundation's main campus in the school or maybe with their behavioral section. I still have to talk to various directors and see if I can 'wow' them enough that they want to hire me by September. We will see.

It is a terribly early start to the day for me (and for any night person!) but I am actually awake and excited at the new adventure.

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