Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Winter Solstice

Among other things it is the beginning of the new solar year, the shortest day and the longest night of the year, the day the Sun is the closest to the Earth, the first day of winter in Western calendars... The Winter Solstice has held religious and/or spiritual significance for many humans dating back thousands of years.

In my heart and home it is the opening day of a period of festivities that ends after the official New Year's Day on the calendar. A little cedar and sage smudging, a sprinkling of special dried herbs, a candle for the darkness, lights and holly garlands for the (fake) tree which was first lit tonight... and a hope that the winter will be followed by a good spring.

My best wishes for everyone in that regard.

But Happy Winter Solstice to all (or just Happy Solstice, since the southern part of the planet is heading into summer)- doesn't have quite the same ring as Happy Holidays, does it? Bah humbug on the other controversy- I think it is silly. Whatever you celebrate- call things how you wish, be considerate of other's beliefs. Simple really.

In my larger extended (and scattered across the country coast to coast) family, a great number of different holidays are celebrated this time of year. I've still preparations to finish, remembrances to send (and shopping to do) and a list that grows instead of showing signs of being completed. Oh well, everything that needs to be done will get done as it does. I am certain of it. Let the celebrating begin.

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