Monday, December 06, 2004

One down, one to go

I finished one final exam and have one more to take on Thursday to end the quarter. Tonight's exam was on Medical Aspects. I might have done as well as I did on the midterm, or slightly less well, even though I studied more. My brain froze on some silly things and it froze on some more important things.

Strangely or not so strangely perhaps, while taking the test I could "see" some of the notes I typed out, with only some of the details missing. By accident five weeks ago, I found that I remember more of the obscure details by typing out the notes (after hearing the lecture and taking written notes, plus reading the texts). It hits that combination of learning styles that works best for me. But I probably should have also read them outloud and/or taped them. That part is something I will remember for the master's degree comprehensive exams coming up in a year or so.

Mistakes and all, I am pretty sure I passed with at least a "B".

When I got home, several books I ordered were waiting. One of them is Wayne Dyer's "The Power of Intention". Another is Deepak Chopra's "The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire", and another is by Harriet Lerner, "Fear and Other Uninvited Guests". There are a couple more, plus I still have a sci fi novel to read. If I weren't going to be so busy after finals, the next week would be spent entirely on pleasure reading!

I will probably still steal some moments to read in between everything else. I will call it "me" time- something I try not to do without.

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