Monday, August 23, 2004

Poem Generator

I like this: Rob's Amazing Poem Generator. I have another one, or maybe this one? linked in my favorites. It generates a different one each time, so I lost the first one created. It is interesting to see only a few words here and there plucked from the page. I used it with a few other sites with better content. They look much better. ;-)
Little things stand out though.. very telling.

Thanks for the find today goes to whiskey river

I can't come up with a Monday question yet- none of my saved questions seems to fit the mood of today for me. I was up til 4AM working on a paper. I will be working on a story to tell in ASL to be videotaped tomorrow at noon, after class today and tonight. Wish me luck. If you were truly interested in the Monday Question, check back next week.

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