Thursday, June 23, 2005

Successful days

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." ~Orison Sweet Marden

"Personal satisfaction is the most important ingredient of success." ~Denis Waitley

Wednesday is a long day for me. I have a bit of trouble with changing schedules from the late afternoon/evening one which makes up most of my week, to a day that begins with an early out the door- such as my Wednesday schedule.

But it was a successful day. Among the clients of this day is one who a year or so ago when I started seeing her (and for the past several years), almost never left the interior of her community home except for medical appointments via Access or community van. The 'not leaving home' problem was compounded by many things, including physical, psychiatric and a mild developmental disability along with a lack of trust in other people.

For the past many weeks we have often (6 out of 8 of my visits) gone by bus to a local mall where we purchase a few things, eat lunch and window shop for a few hours. It is exhausting to me, because people generally have to drag me to a mall to go shopping. When I must purchase something, I prefer small local shops minus crowds or shopping online. But this activity is something I enjoy with this client because it is such a major change for her..

She is taking small steps in expanding her world and someday maybe the range will enlarge as she grows more comfortable riding the bus and going places.

So I count this as a successful day for me, and I think she would count it as a happy and successful day for her too.

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