Thursday, June 30, 2005

some days are like this

This post - percys crazy world2: Getting Old or Something  made me laugh. Humor is a good way to lighten the day. I sure have had days like that. It is why I often get very little done on my days off, and keep a written list and goals for the day for everything else.

I woke this morning having apparently dreamt about yesterday morning's meeting - the problems and my mistakes. There are time deadline things as well as some issues with collaboration and my missteps. But though my mood was initially dampened, I also woke with some ideas for new avenues to pursue for solving some other problems for the same client.

"A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life." ~ Hugh Sidey

I don't know that I've found the humor in the exact situation of yesterday morning (especially since there are bigger issues I created for myself because of my mistakes [shrug]), but there is something about making a communication and style error in front of one's boss and other bosses when one is up for promotion, that seems slightly amusing.

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