Friday, July 22, 2005

Mini trip (Angeles Forest, Tujunga Dam)

We are still in the middle of a heat wave and my car didn't like the combination of the climb, heat and AC running, so it was necessary to turn the AC off. I probably need to check the fluid levels in the radiator, something I have neglected to do (husband's job ;-) ).

I was a little leery of stopping and being seen by rangers, because I didn't purchase a day pass- so I didn't stay for long. But it was a very nice, deliberately slow drive up and back, only seeing four other cars the entire time. It was as if I had that part of the forest area all to myself- just exactly what was needed.

Here are a couple of photos and a few others can be found at Flickr.

Tujunga Dam (7)
Tujunga Dam, Overlook

unknown yellow wild flowers (same location)

The camera will be with me on Saturday and if I am not too worn out by the time I am driving home, I might get a few shots in the Chatsworth area.. I love that huge rock formation at Topanga Canyon and Santa Susana Pass. The weekend climbers seem to like it too.

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