Monday, October 11, 2004

New toys and Ramblings of a Morning

It is a chilly morning here in LA and I love it. I still have the deck door open (but wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants instead of a T and bike shorts; oh and still barefoot because it will have to get really cold before I find feet coverings necessary inside), but finally the temps are starting to come down to my perfect weather range. I have been up a couple of hours, which makes the day seem better too... of course that is all a factor of actually getting some sleep last night. I should really make sure that even if I am tired, I take the time to clear out my head before trying to sleep. You'd think I would remember by now.

On Sunday, I added a couple of new toys to the blog. I have been seeing both of them at various blogs, so being immersed in finding ways not to study, I added them to the sidebar. I may change the order around a bit. I really want to redo the entire blog, but am not sure that I can find the time to learn some new tricks and fuss with everything.

The first new toy on the right below links, is HitMap showing the locations for visitors to this blog. I thought it was pretty cool. If you click the map you can get a larger size. I think the last place I saw it before I decided to check it out was at McGee's Musings.

The other is a Chatango button and I saw that at gassho before succumbing. I will be shocked if anyone actually wants to chat, and might actually be shy about that (I like my visual and auditory cues to garner full meaning), but it is also useful to send a message without an immediate conversation even if I am not online (but then so is email). I am not sure it will stay here, but perhaps. I have all the usual chat programs and still seldom use them.

Off to finish the studying I should have done yesterday. I have some research to do as well as reading of course, plus finish a little assignment identifying counselor responses and plugging them into categories.

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