There are days when happiness bubbles along quietly inside, as a sort of background mood to the day. The more I recognize that it is there, the more energy I have. I try to cultivate some of that when it seems to be missing, but in a circular fashion the less energy I have, the more difficult it is to feel or find that quiet bubbling... and the less energy I have. And enthusiasm? Well, that too seems to be a factor of energy at times.
Oh and that's the long way 'round to the reason for this short post. I had started something else that needs refining and might not ever make the public view, but I've started to enforce a more strict time to attempt sleep. A regular schedule seems to do remarkable things for happiness, energy and enthusiasm. ;-)
One of the pictures from the visit to my sister's in San Diego county:

There are wonderful little corners and vistas all around their property.
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