Friday, October 24, 2003

Thursday's Midterm and More on Foundations.

The midterm I took yesterday, the 23rd, despite what I noted previously (a little confusion about date, but not day), went well. There were only a couple of questions I was unprepared for and a couple that were a process of elimination, but I felt very comfortable with the material. The test was actually much easier than I expected.

And I am back to thinking about choosing a perspective for that class. Reviewing a list of statements about personal beliefs that one might have for any given perspective, along with a rating of 1-5 about agreement, sends me back to the existentialist perspective as the one with the most 4's and 5's, with Adlerian and Person Centered both coming in a close second. None of the major theories has all 5's or even 4's.

I will be able to write the paper about a single one that fits with me in a couple of weeks, but there is no perfect fit with my views and perspectives on life. Perhaps there is no perfect fit of theory with anyone, except the people who established the original theories. The key things are that I know or am learning where I differ, and why, and that I believe that clients have their own values and best solutions that may often not be mine. I respect everyone's right to be the author of their own life.

The whole gently directive versus non directive issue is murky to explain, but I understand in theory when each could be necessary. Empathy, an understanding of the client and why they are seeking help is essential to answering that question. Feeling secure enough about myself to focus entirely on the client and asking questions when I don't understand or need to clarify also seems essential.

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